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Let's Chat


I never, ever, ever set up a portrait session without first meeting my clients face-to-face.  Just like you wouldn't want to meet your surgeon the day of surgery!  Okay, maybe that's a little extreme but I build rapport with you and your kids. We'll talk...


  • location

  • time

  • clothing

  • your child, their interests, and personality

  • your vision and needs


"My vision? Uh? I don't have a vision?  I just want good photos."  Aah.  But yes you do.  Most people have a general idea about what they need but can't really pinpoint what they truly want until we talk.  I'd also love to meet your kid(s) at this time.  If they are young this will help me NOT be the stranger with a camera.  I also know you're thinking, "I'm about to  spend good money on these portraits, how do I know you'll deliver?"  or "Can you make her smile?" or "Will you be able to make  him sit still?"  I've done it all.  Chased, danced, sung a song, jumped up and down, made silly faces, and sometimes just listened to the kids.  After all, they just want to have fun.  In the end, I get it!  I get the smile, or the pout, or the sweet innocence that makes them who they are.  And often times, I'm told this... "I can't believe you got such a great picture!"  It takes experience and patience and I have a lot of both.  


Trust me.  You'll be happy.  If you're not happy, neither am I. 

What's your style


  • Timeless Black & White - who doesn't love a good black and white photo?

  • Modern Color Pop - bright and bold, fun and eye-catching!

  • Classic Vintage - digital enhancement filters applied subtly - not your one click smartphone app filters.  Done carefully to make it look old school artistic and beautiful.


This is the beauty of digital photography - the ability to customize each image. If you need more reasons why you should choose custom, quality, and personal service, click here

Set up a FREE Consultation Session

Your message has entered cyberspace and should get to me soon! I can't wait to meet you to gab about your ideas of some awesome family photos. Favor! Give me at least 1 day to reply. TY!

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